Video Transcript
(SPEECH) Instrumental music starts playing
(DESCRIPTION) We see an outside view of a hotel
The bride is standing by the window getting her makeup done and she puts in her earrings
Someone helps the bride secure her hair and accessories
We see the groom fixing his shirt cuffs and bowtie while looking out of the window, he puts his jacket on
We see a close-up view of the brides dress, shoes, and wedding rings
A Bridesmaid helps the bride button up the back of her dress, the bride smiles admiring herself in the mirror
(SPEECH) You know, marriage isn’t an end, but it’s a begin. And it’s not a perfect beginning. It’s not a clean slate. Marriage is a process that requires growth. Marriage is a bold step into an unknown future. And it’s risking who we are for the sake of who we can be.
(DESCRIPTION) Male speaking. We see the bride and groom share their first look. The bride and groom embrace. We then see the groom twirl the bride in a circle, the groom wraps his hands around her waist
(SPEECH) And these two are willing to take that risk because they believe in their love
(DESCRIPTION) We see the bride and groom standing outside forehead to forehead, they are smiling
(SPEECH) Nick and Samantha, what you promised to each other today must be renewed again tomorrow. And every day that follows. And nothing is easier than saying words
(DESCRIPTION) The bride and groom are standing arm and arm outside; we see the groom kiss the bride on the cheek
(SPEECH) But nothing is harder than trying to live by them day by day.
(DESCRIPTION) We see a close-up of the wedding welcome sign, and guest book
(SPEECH) At the end of the ceremony, legally, you’re going to be husband and wife.
(DESCRIPTION) We see musicians playing music at the ceremony, we then see the crowd sitting down waiting for the ceremony to begin
(SPEECH) But still, you must decide each and every day to commit yourselves to each other
(DESCRIPTION) We see the groom walk down the adle arm in arms with his parents
(SPEECH) Make that decision and keep on making it. For the most important thing in life is to love and to be loved
(DESCRIPTION) We see several of the groomsman and bridesmaids walk down the aisle, followed by two small children, male and female walk down the aisle
(SPEECH) Today, you’re taking into care and trust the happiness of that one person in this world whom you love with all your heart. And you’re giving yourself your life and your love into the hands of the one who loves you with all their heart
(DESCRIPTION) We see the bride enter and walk down the aisle with her parents, we see the groom crying as she walks towards him
(SPEECH) In doing so, you’re saying to each other, you have my whole heart for my whole life, because you are my whole world. But remember this. To the whole world, you’re just one person. But to that one person, you are the whole world
(DESCRIPTION) The bride and groom walk up to the alter and hold hands while standing in front of the justice of the peace
(SPEECH) Now, each of your worlds has changed forever because one day someone special walked into your life and you found deeply and hopelessly in love
(DESCRIPTION) The bride and groom are standing outside smiling with their foreheads pressed together
(SPEECH) But you know, however, love is something far beyond the warmth and glow, the excitement of Mam suffering. While we call, quote, unquote, deeply in love, it’s actually caring more about the well-being and happiness of your marriage partner than your own needs and your own desires
(DESCRIPTION) We see the bride and groom standing at the front of the alter in front of the justice of the peace during the ceremony, they then exchange their vows to each other
(SPEECH) And love isn’t just total absorption in each other. It doesn’t just consist of gazing at one another, but it’s been looking outward in the same directions again. You know why? Because love makes burdens lighter, because you divide them. And love makes joys more intense, because now you share them. Love makes you stronger so that you can reach out and become involved in life in ways you would never live to do alone. And real love just really saying the two of you are just better together than when you’re a part. I think that’s what marriage is. Two people working together to become something better than they would be on their own by themselves. It’s with great joy that I now pronounce you husband and wife. And Nick, you can tell he’s been waiting for this moment. He licks his lips about six times
(DESCRIPTION) We see the crowd sitting and watching the ceremony. The bride and groom are standing at the alter while the justice of the peace speaks, they exchange rings
(SPEECH) Nick, you may kiss your wife.
(DESCRIPTION) The grooms leans in and kisses the bride
(SPEECH) Crowd cheering and clapping
(DESCRIPTION) We see the crowd at the ceremony clapping and cheering as the bride and groom kiss
(SPEECH) Instrumental music continues to play
(DESCRIPTION) The bride and groom walk back down the aisle hand in hand as the crowd applauds
We see a view of the reception space with all of the tables set
We see a close-up view of the dessert table with the wedding cake
We see the table settings with candles and bouquets of flowers
We see the bride and groom enter the reception space holding hands, smiling and waving
We see the bride and groom share their first dance as the crowd watches
We see the bride and groom share their special dances with their parents
The bride and groom cut their cake and feed each other a bite off of a fork
We see the bride and groom dancing with their guests
The bride and groom are holding up a long piece of fabric as their guests run and dance underneath it
The groom is lifted up and onto his back by his groomsmen
We see the bride and groom dancing together and with their guests
The bride tosses her bouquet of flowers to the crowd of women standing behind her
The bride and groom are seen dancing in an empty room, they share a kiss
The bride and groom exit the reception hall as onlookers wave ribbons, the bride and groom kiss